Logistics and warehousing

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Logistics and warehousing at Multimex spedition

The word “logistics” comes from Greek “logos”, i.e. order, principle.  These terms are necessary to fulfill the basic definition of logistics – right things at the right time to the right place. The aim of logistics is to reach the perfect state in the most efficient way, i.e. to provide the competitive level of services together with the lowest logistics costs. Logistics is a crucial part of business considering that warehousing costs represent approximately 20% of business turnover.


Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, money and information not only between supplier and customer but also inside the companies, including different systems of warehousing.


Fields of logistics logically build on each other and create the basic framework that leads to fulfilling the aim of logistics at a minimum price. The chain of logistics activities - production, warehousing, distribution and reverse logistics imitates the flow of goods from producer to end customers. The key pillars of the whole process are distribution logistics and transport logistics.


Production logistics

stands at the beginning of the whole process together with demand prediction and purchase logistics. It includes management of flows (physical, information and money) in production, usage of technologies, capacity utilization and management of semi-finished production.


Warehousing logistics

is very closely related to the production logistics (at the manufacturer’s side) and to the procurement logistics (at the distributor’s/customer’s side). In both cases, it optimizes the costs of holding goods in stock.


Transport logistics

ensures flawless movement of goods while meeting the specific deadline and quantity. Goods transfer generates significant part of logistics costs. That’s why its realization is crucial and needs to be carefully planned. It is possible to use road, sea, river, air and railway freight and their combinations.


Distribution logistics

implies activities related to transport, warehousing, manipulation and customs services.


Reverse logistics

goes beyond the process of goods movement from producer to customer. This concept is extended by another level – the flow of used or reclaimed goods, packaging and other materials from the customer.


Multimex offers a wide range of logistics services

During this whole process our company benefits from strategic location at railway terminal in Prague 3.

- Short-term and long-term warehousing

- Completion and split of shipments

- Labelling

- Wrapping and foliation

- Warehousing evidence management on PC

- Electronical Data Interchange (EDI)

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